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*indicates graduate student authors  | † indicates shared first authorship

Jurcevic, I., & Trawalter, S. (in press). Black and White Americans' Perceptions of Community Equity Efforts Diverge Following the Removal of Confederate Monuments. Social Psychological and Personality Science. pdf.

*Bak, H., Jurcevic, I., & Trawalter, S. (2024). What Black People Value When White People Confront Prejudice. The Journal of Social Psychology. pdf.

Crosman, K. M., Jurcevic, I., *van Holmes, C., Hall., C. C., & Allison, E. H. (2022). An Equity Lens on Behavioral Science for Conservation. Conservation Letters. pdf.

Hall, C. C.†  & Jurcevic, I.†  (2022). Behavioral Insights for Public Policy: Recentering Our Science. Cambridge Elements Series: Applied Social Psychology. pdf

Jurcevic, I., Wong, L. H., Dunkel Schetter, C., & Shapiro, J. R. (2021). Strategies for disclosing a concealable stigma: Facts and feelings? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. pdf

Jurcevic, I., & Fyall, R. (2020). Does a Business-Like Approach to Diversity in Nonprofit Organizations Have a Chilling Effect on Stakeholders? Journal of Behavioral Public Administration, 2(2), 1-17. pdf

Jurcevic, I., & Trawalter, S. (2016). Is Donald Trump making White Americans racist? Virginia Policy Review.

Kaiser, C. R., Major, B. N., Jurcevic, I., Dover, T. L., Brady, L. M., & Shapiro, J. R. (2013). Presumed fair: Ironic effects of organizational diversity structures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(3), 504 – 519. pdf

Williams, A. M., Jurcevic, I., & Shapiro, J. R. (2013) “Stereotype Threat.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology. Ed. Dana S Dunn. New York: Oxford University Press.